Friday, August 19, 2011

Visiting Home Tree Domes in Henniker, NH

visiting home tree domes

went to visit John at Home tree domes in Henniker, NH.

the community has an interesting way of securing their food supply. they make a two hour trip weekly to Trader Joes in Boston to dumpster dive. not really as TJ graciously puts the food out in plastic bags which they surreptitiously grab a 1 am and load into their vans. it get sorted out that morning and put into appropriate storage.

the domes have all the creature comforts. half the residents sleep in mobile homes and use the kitchen and bathroom and sitting area in the domes. lovely in the summer. harder in the winter. wish I was more cold tolerant as I would love to visit in the winter and cross country ski

the residents somewhat share a political view of freedom, liberty and justice for all. Many belong to the Free State Project

I have wonderful memories of the Yakov family and swimming and boating in the Contoocook River which is very close to the Domes.

looking forward to seeing more of lovely NH.

1 comment:

  1. We have been very worried about our family that went there about 4 monthes ago. have not heard from them. My daughter did e mail Rob and he said they left and are seeking a home in mass. I cant imagine them leaving the place of "thier dreams" Is thee anything more you can tell me about this place? In case they are still there..!
    thank you
