Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hanging out at the Shawangunks with John

the Gunks
John,my ex husband lives in NY in a small town called Wallkill which is in the area of the Shawangunk Mountains, which are south of the Catskills. they are a favorite rock climbing destination.

the area is entirely lovely. A lake was a mile away for fabulous swimming and the bike riding was so fine. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

John is having house concerts in his home for folk musicians. They are top notch, fine performers. I had the pleasure of helping him and attending a concert for Magpie. John also provides dinner for his paying guests. It is a labor of love on his part as he looses money but he gets to do something really important like supporting the arts and contributing to his community.

good to see John again. He continues to be an inventor, his latest being converting a small trailer to a bike/ocean Kayak carrier.

It feels good to be friends with my wastband John, I am back again for a visit prior to returning to Atlanta. It is fall, the skies are blue, blue and it is knocked me over beautiful. I went for a swim again yesterday at Lake Tilson and looked up at the gunks and sky and marveled.

I also attended a song circle sponsored by Folk Project. It was held in Patti's home, Johns neighbor who lives in a barn converted into a house with silos and everything. talk about space, how about 1500 feet. But I got to sing my songs with and too other folks, play my guitar and it felt great to do that cause I have never really done it before. So I feel encouraged to keep learning songs and improving my guitar skills. I have done instrumental jamming but this is different as you initiate song.
I also found a welder who fabricated in steel what I needed and could not buy. It allows me to pull a trailer and carry a bike rack simultaneously.

I am leaving soon for atlanta, pulling the Apache behind me. My destination today is Shenandoah National Park where I will camp the night and hike tomorrow, perhaps even camp another day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the last day of a great vacation- to be continued next year

the last day of my 24 day camping experience

I have tried to reenact the month long camping experiences of my youth, when my Mom would camp at Nickerson and my Dad would come on the weekend.  this is my  last day and I thought to write whatever came to mind before returning to my Mom's house in Worcester.  My son, Matt, is there until the 17th so most of the time I will be hanging out there, swimming and boating at the green mountain club pond, cooking and helping out my mom with what needs to be done. 

This morning I spoke with my neighbor, Olga.  She and I have a great deal in common.  We both feel very much at home camping and living outdoors.  We both have well equipped camping kitchens and stay a long time.  she is russian with extended  family and friends and comes on the weekends, although her site is set up all week.  She has just offered me 5 days of camping on site 11 from august 15th to the 20th.  I will decide whether to come back or explore something new.  Let me say that his place is heaven.  on a dead end with a canopy of pine trees,  the most beautiful of lakes and the cleanest air .  It is so nice it is impossible to get a site unless one books 6 months ahead.  that is why I may take Olga up on her offer. 

Here, I go barefoot.  I don't wear glasses unless to read and don't know the time.  I am the healthiest and most physically fit that I have been for a very long time, maybe for 15 years.  I brought lots of materials to play guitar, learn spanish, and have done some of that.  Mostly, I am active biking (Nickerson has 8 miles of bike trails and connects to the Cape rail trail which has 26 miles) swimming.  I also boat a lot.  before I leave today, I will boat and swim.  I do yoga as well, especially when Ame was here to guide  me.  I think I have had the funnest and cheapest vacation.  Nickerson costs just $15.00 per night so it is very affordable and possible.  Add a few friends to split the cost and is super cheap. 

about cooking.  I cook simple stuff and eat well.  our neighbor gave s a cooler of bluefish and we ate that for several meals.  Restaurants are expensive and you have to wait for your food.  and if you are here for a long time, you just do as you do at home.   cooking is liberating.  true, you can't be too fussy. 

The National Seashore is nearby.  If you look at a map of the cape, It makes up most of the cape.  We have been several times to different beaches.  We went to Provincetown at the tip of the Cape and went to the Race Point beach.  the water is cold, but not too cold so you can't take a dip.  And the dunes have such great beauty.  and P town is an experience in itself.  we tried to ride bikes down the main street and that was a trip.

I had originally thought of this trip as mainly being alone.  my family was here for 10 days and friends for another 7 so I have only had about a week of lone time.  I like it both ways.  It is too wonderful not to share and it is also nice to have lone time as I am right now. 

I plan on driving home in late August, towing CliffIda, my Apache tent trailer.  I  decided this recently so she will have a new resting place in my basement.  but hopefully she will not rest for long.  I will outfit her and she will be ready to go.  just add food and clothing, scuba gear, climbing shoes, and away we go. 
hugs to all

Friday, July 23, 2010

A day in the life of Susan

July 22, 2010

I am feeling very happy these days.  Yesterday I moved to my new campsite and it is sooo ideal.  my site is at the end of a dead end road with the lake below me.  I can canoe, swim, yoga on the beach, bike and hike without ever leaving my campsite.  With my broadband stick I even have access to the internet.  .  It just a really nice place to be. 

I am writing by the light of my Coleman lantern while daddy long leg spiders cruise by.  I have always liked these special insects.  they are large but they don't bite.  I don't care much for the dive bomber beetles though.  

am expecting Atlanta friends tomorrow so It will get busy.  I actually like my solo time very much.  I am never bored or lonely. 

today I took a long bike ride just within the park.  lots of hills up and downs.  Nickerson State Park has about 35 miles of paved bike paths through the forests. 
After resting in my hammock, I  carried my canoe down to the lake and went out on my boat.  then I swam for a bunch.  then I waited to take a picture of the sunset on the lake. 

I wash my clothes by hand and hang them to dry.  I love to do this simple chore.  It is a whole lot better than feeding quarters into a machine and hanging around waiting.

The photo is of CliffIda, my loved trailer.  

I go to bed early by Atlanta standards and am up early.


good night to you, and you, and you, and you and you

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thoughts on my gear

It must be July 10th.  - my gear
Sitting here drinking a cup of hot chocolate and planning my day.  I woke up to late to get out on the water to kayak.  the sun is hot though it may cloud up as rain is predicted.  Today I will ride my bike to area 7 (about 5 miles) to swim and hike. 

I have been thinking about my gear.  I am doing car and trailer camping and want to be self sufficient except for food for 24 days, so I have a lot of gear and I love it all. 
My vintage trailer is my first love.  Manufactured in 1950, it is still going strong.  She doesn't look beautiful but works just fine sort of like me.  7 years ago she got a new canvas tent with waterproof floor, new electrical, new tires, new stabilizer legs .  I love to fix up old things, especially the trailer  that belonged to my mom and dad.  her dimensions are 4 by 8 feet so she pulls like a charm behind my little corolla with no wind resistance.  She has an accordion cover that lets you pack on lots of stuff(as I am expecting my family I have sleeping gear for 5 and eating gear for 11) 
I also brought 2 bikes, one canoe/kayak and lots of my books and instructional material, including computer, spanish language stuff, my guitar and guitar books. 

Restaurants here are crowded and super expensive so we cook all our meals.  So I have a pantry with posts and pans and 2 stoves that run off a large propane tank. 

My neighbors have some incredible gear.  Some come in Taj Mahal trailers.  the russians camp and know how to put up great tarps that cover the kitchens and provide shade and rain protection. 

I seem to have a little visiter while writing this  He/she ( how does one determine the sex of a chipmunk ) is really adorable. Oh well, she has also discovered my cocoa and has just taken a drink, a brazen chipmunk so she must be female  I am happy to share my cocoa.  Judging from the tracks, my nocturnal visiter last night was also a chipmunk  They are a lot easier to deal with than raccoons as they can't open the coolers. 

I guess I have a lot of  stuff because I am living here.  This is a health retreat for me.  I want to get away from the fast pace and luxuriate in the slow. I want to exercise a lot and eat moderately and get stronger. 
Peace and love to you all

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8th -A fast sail in a colorful boat

another beautiful day July 8th 2010

After the heat wave, it feels so good to sit with the wind blowing on my back.  I have discovered that I can sit at the library on a bench, plug my computer into the electrcify and hook into their fast internet connection.  I also have a broadband for the campsite but no electricity.  
I guess I should call this blog, miss thrifty as I Iove to save money and have fun too.  yes, I can retire and do a lot with a little.  camping is the key or hosteling and cooking for yourself or being satisfied with sardines and crackers.  yes this is my thing but if it could be yours, I am encouraging you to go for it.  

I spent today at Cliff Pond.  Lots of Cliffs in my life.  It was too windy to canoe but the sailing was great.  so I asked my neighbor for a ride on his catamaran. and it was sooo great.  we were flying.  Went for a long swim, lay in my hammock and rocked myself in the cool shade.  No watch, no appointments, and puttering around the campsite doing this and that doesn't feel like work. 
I am enjoying my solo time.  In 2 days my family arrives and there will be 11 of us in 2 campsites for 1 week.  then they will be gone again.  I did invite friends for my last t0 days and Kyle, Amy and baby Skye will be driving straight through from Atlanta.  But I don't plan on being the hostess with the mostess.  I will share my campsite  and my kitchen but don't plan on shopping cooking and doing dishes.  

I miss all my friends.  hugs and kisses to you all.  
From Susan (alias Frizzmop)  I do start looking a little wild living outdoors you know.  I am off to kayak before it gets dark

Settling into life at the Cape

July 7, 2010
My first day at the Cape

This is a big deal for me.  I envisioned spending a long time here, enjoying this wonderful bit of nature.  And so I retired from my job, made reservations at Nickerson State Park in MA  for 24 days and here I am.  

I am soooo happy to be here.  After i set up camp it was late but I had to go down for a swim at Cliff Pond.  The water was like a soft caress.  It was a comfortable temperature.  And I was so happy.  I love you Cliff Pond.  

I have brought CliffIda, named after Cliff and Ida Stone, my parents.  CliffIda is a 1950 vintage trailer.  7 years ago it was a sad thing sitting in the back yard.  John and I decided to fix it up, and now it is just perfect.  I will post a photo of my Mom by the trailer, taken in the 60's. 

I have to say that I am proud of myself.  I didn't know that I could do it but wanted to give it my best shot.  Doing the maintenance on the trailer, driving it down here and setting it up by myself was a big deal for me.  But now I know I can do it and am confident of future trips.  I don't want to be a helpless person when it comes to doing handy, mechanical tasks.  I am my father's daughter and like him, I love to fix things and love the outdoors.  

So, I bought a boat in NY state.  It is wonderful because it is so light, I can just pick it up and walk with it or put it on the roof rack and away we go.  
It is a perfect boat for a woman .  It weighs all of 15 pounds and is made of Kevlar so it is strong.  It is a canoe/kayak, open but you use a double paddle.  

Got a boat, got 2 bikes (one to lend) got 2 good legs for hiking, got a song in my heart and a smile on my lips.  

I'll write again from the Cape

I'm no great writer but wanted to share what I am up to

Locust Lake State Park Pennsylvania June 22, 2010

Stopping for the night on my way to MA.  Locust state park was on the map and was tired after driving 400miles.  

What a beautiful place.  no phone coverage or Internet but I am very happy.  took a long bike ride along the lake.  now i am sitting with my computer plugged into the elec a tri city.  soft classical music, a glass of wine and the promise of a comfortable bed.  

I feel like I have discovered a place where I will stop again as I see myself  driving this route often between Worcester, MA where Ida is and Atlanta where I am, sort of kinda.  At least where my house and many dear friends are.  but I think I will call it my base camp from now on.  

tomorrow evening I hope to arrive in Worcester after stopping in Albany to paddle and eyeball a canoe/Kayak that I am thinking seriously of buying because it is only 10.5 feet long and weighs 15 pounds with the added benefit of being made of kevlar (synonymous with indestructible.)  

I feel great but like everyone else I am very sad about the oil spill and the destruction to our oceans, marshes, ecosystem.wildlife.   there is a pain that just doesn't go away.  Like so many others I feel helpless.  I can drive less.  once I arrive I will not go far in my toyota corolla (30 miles per gallon)

So begins my journey.  I suppose people may wonder why I go off alone and camp and want to live outside.  It is just me.  My personality was formed as a child when we would camp as a family all summer long.  I will have my family with me for 1 week in the same campground of my youth, Nickerson State Park on Cape Cod, Ma.  I have invited lots of people to join me as I have a site for 24 days and want to share.  fly up to Boston , rent a car and  enjoy.  I wont entertain you or feed you but I will share my campsite and provisions gladly.  

I will be writing again.  Peace and love be with you.  


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Remote Area Medical May 2010 Harrogate TN

my first ever retirement blog

I am 62 and in good physical and mental health, I have a little money and lots of good friends so I am in a very lucky place. 

I am off to Remote Area Medical in Harrogate TN. 

please see www.ramusa.com for more info. 

As an RN I have asked to volunteer as this amazing clinic I have heard about in the news and seen on youtube. 

Harrogate is remote.  It is located in the Cumberland Gap so it is in TN bordering Kentucky and Virginia.  The town of Harrogate is Lincoln Memorial University and a few stores on the road going through it.  You can drive through a mile long tunnel through the mountain and be in Kentucky. 

the Gap refers to a pass in the mountains where the old pioneers would walk through from TN on their way to Kentucky and Ohio.  they were a strong lot as are the local folk in the area.  Before the pioneers the Cherokee to the South and the Shawnee to the north, walked the trail.

Have talked to a few locals at Wallmart and the maintenance person here at the university where I am staying and they impress me as really good souls with lilting speech.  I am sure my speech is different to them.  I understand them perfectly.  their speech has cumberland gap inflections and is soft and pleasing to the ear. 

 doctors, dentists of all specialties, nurses, hygienists and eye doctors and opticians,vetanarians and lay volunteers from around the country will drive to Harrogate .  some will fly into Knoxsville, even some will come private plane to volunteer there services.  they will provide the manpower, and some supplies  RAM  will provide the rest.   LMU the place, the national guard and local ambulances services, local restaurants and churches, food for the volunteers.  Last year they provided 2000 visits for 1200 people.  some used more than one services.  all are free.  clients start lining up in the early am.  some the day before.  they are given a #, sleep in their cars and the doors open at 6am

Spent the am hiking in the Cumberland Gap forest.  we walked the wilderness trail which is the original trails walked by the Shawnee and Cherokee and later by Daniel Boone and explorers.  Later 300,000 folks would walk through the gap for TN, into Kentucky and then Ohio. President Lincoln descended from a pioneer who crossed through the Cumberland GAp.   one trail ended in the surveyed place where Kentucky, TN and VA met. 

The Gap Cave is prominent with a rushing stream coming out of it.  this water rights of this stream are owned by LMU.  It supplies the neighboring towns with water and Coca Cola bottles this water under the name of Cumberland Gap and pays LMU for that right. 

This is the 605th Remote Area Medical event and my and Manuels first.  On friday at 3pm we help to set up the dental area.  32 dental chairs and suction and drills are set up.  these are mobile dental units used in the field by the military.  they are self contained.  On a table near by are all the needed supplies.  on another are all the dental instruments.

I did my nursing work in the am of interviewing clients and filling  out the dental, medical and vision forms to be given to the health providers   by 9 am all of the  600 person allowed quota was registered and admitted so I was free of my nursing tasks.  I then went over to Dental and learned to sterilize instruments.  Later in the day I asked to assist the dentists and was allowed to do so.  Most of the assistants were nurses and students in the school of osteopathic medicine at LMU.  I loved assisting.  I saw so much.  the whole weekend was really life changing for me. 

Most of the patients were there for dental services and vision.  Most seemed to have had minimal dental care. some teeth were decayed of to the point of crumbling.  Ideally these patients should be put to sleep to have their teeth surgically removed.  But no anesthesia is available at ram , only local.
The first patient I assisted with had a full mouth extraction.  21 teeth.  he lost them due to dacay and gum disease.  Lots of young people had very bad teeth.  they drank lots of Mountain Due,  did not eat calcium rich foods, used unfloridated water, and had minimal to no dental care.  Some also used methaphetamine which decays and blackens teeth.  One of my clients was on methadone and her teeth were crumbling.  It was hard to see but great to see incredibly competent dentists and oral surgeons working 8 to 10 hour days removing teeth and doing restorative work on folks that were so happy and grateful to be rid of the pain.. 

My friend Manuel worked 6 hours to set up the dental clinic.  the next morning he had an eye exam and got new bifocals.  Next he had 4 wisdom teeth extracted. 

It is sad that folks living in the US are in such need and have  to come to these annual free, no questions asked clinics.  As long there is need there will be volunteers trying to help.  there is also need for lay volunteers.  think about volunteering.